As I walk down the hallways of the school everyday, I can hear the chatter of eager minds ,the shouts of excitement from the victorious athlete, the thump of dancer feet and the sound of melodious voice harmonizing. We are a school with a difference ! we value individualism,creativity and innovation and strive to nature them in our students.

Our motto”spread the light” is at the heart of everything we do at the school.we aim not to just impart knowledge to the students,but also to inculcate in them wisdom,compassion and a humanitarian spirit,we have a multicultural discipline,values and integrity are the very foundation of this school.

Our mission is to continue to do what we have  always done. Develop this school and the students with integrity and values,also to give our students the best opportunity and the best all round education .    our vision is to produce conscientious, smart and confident citizens of India who will go out into the world and make us proud.                                                    


KPS , Ramtala, MP

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